Want to be a receptionist?

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By Meluse Kapatamoyo

The perception about receptionists in Zambia is that it is an easy job that any person can do, but that is far from being true.

Mukaya Mufwaya, 21, working as a receptionist for the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (PRA) said the job is much more challenging than just sitting at one’s desk and looking pretty.

“My job requires a sober-minded person who can deal with people with different characters and attitudes. To be a success at it, you have got to have good customer relations. The truth of the matter is you will find that some clients are just difficult to deal with,” she said. 

Can be tough

“Some clients will belittle you and think you are not capable of giving out the information they require. To them you are ‘just’ a receptionist who knows nothing about how the company operates. Such people can be a challenge, but you have no choice but to stay calm during such times, be a professional and do not let your feelings get in the way,” she continued.

That is why apart from having secretarial qualifications, you also need qualifications in front office management as well as customer relations.

Put in the time

“Although like most Zambian workers I have to put in eight hours of work daily, unlike many, I rarely have time to attend to other things because it’s impossible to leave the reception area unattended to,” said Mukaya. “Time to run a personal errand is difficult to find, no matter how important it is.”

The minimum wage is K2 million while the maximum is K2.8 million. Career prospects are there but one has to prove oneself before one can be elevated. 

“The company takes care of my medical bills and our rights as workers are respected. But that cannot be said about all companies,” she continued. “My advice to anyone interested in working as a receptionist is, like any other job, you need to give it your best. If you are a people person and you are able to multi-task, then this is a career for you.”

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